January 10, 2006

It takes me for an hour to commute every morning.
And now I've got used to drive on a icy road even though I sometimes come across a bloody cold sweat situation by that skid.

On Sunday I came across a beautiful sunset on my way to home. I pulled over and I was just gazing at the Mt. Tateyama for a while. It was just simply beautiful.

I had a nice weekend. Went to Ushitake with Matt that was a first time to go with. We enjoyed a terrain park a lot. It was great to see his jib trick on a 20-meter-rainbow rail with his belly slided on it. He looked like also rainbow shape. Anyway, time flied so fast. Had a lot of fun.

Hope that the sun come out at least during the weekend...

January 05, 2006

2006 Jan 4th Gokuraku ski hill
Approximately 400cms snow by
the weather report, this is


a lot. Hence, we can easily guess
these kinds of situations shown in the pictures.

I didn't want to get stuck in it, but I did it a lot. So I should be good enough to ride through the deep powder
without eating it.

I was bit afraid of coming across the
avalanche that will give me little oxygen and choke me soon. It could happen though...we never know when it will happen. But it will happen when it happens.

January 01, 2006

Yacchi's dripping honey on
a 30cm-long-parfait.

Yacchi's attempting to
make a shifty indy grab.

The fisrt day of 2006,Woke up late in the morning with shining sunbeam. That was a fantastic weather and beautiful day ever plus, no clouds in the blue sky. Perrrfect day. But last night I had 10 hours sleep that was too much for me. Too much... that gave me some dizziness. As was usual in the new year day, I ate Zouni for brunch and soon after I headed up to skihill to hit the snow. We were into terrain park that was made up of variety kinds of jibs, table tops. Especially, 20 meters long rainbow rail was incredible!

At night we visited a shrine on New year's day with yacchi, his girlfriend Minako and her friend Kazumi. I tried an Omikuji after praying and got a Daikichi. I might have good fortune this year. We ate out for the meal at Cocos. Yacchi was tasting 30cm's long strawberry parfait for dessert.
Good quantity and good price but tasted yum.

Have 3 days off left. Keep having fun for the rest of the days. But I know I have to hit the book that is a pain in the neck anyway...