August 23, 2006



翌9月5日、工場視察 3件。
9月6日、工場視察 2件。





↑885 pts
→L 455
↑R 430

次回受験予定: 未定。

August 18, 2006


               日時: 8月15日(火)、16日(水)


メンバー:ボン&ひろみ、真吾&ゆりplus オレ


BBQ用に食料を大量に買い込みいざ長野へ。R 41から神岡そして松本へ。中央道に乗り込み諏訪湖最寄のインターで降り、キャンプ場へ急ぐ。テントを設営し花火を見るためにビューポイント探し。

夜7時花火打ち上げ開始。諏訪湖の花火は今回が初めて。序盤はまぁまぁの盛り上がり、中盤からクライマックスにかけては富山の線香花火とはスケールが違い終止打ちあがる花火群に圧倒された。いいものみれてよかった。花火が終わりキャンプ場へ戻りBBQの準備。他のキャンパーたちはすでに就寝に近い状態。多少の気まずさとともに肉を焼き始める。低温のせいかやたら体が冷える。寒さより空腹感が勝り、かなりの肉を口にほおばる。何時に寝たかは覚えてないが疲れとともにテントへなだれ込む。明朝太陽の日差しでテント内が蒸し風呂状態。我慢して寝ていたが我慢できずテントから脱出。時間6時am。誰も起きてこないので火をおこし朝食の準備。昨日あれだけ食べたのに不思議と朝には腹が減る。早々にテントをかたし岐路へ。温泉入って、信州そば食べて、ハーブアイスクリーム食べて、思い出つくって無事富山到着。花火はもういいけど、キャンプはまたしたい。今秋は雪が降る前に山に登りたい。取り合えず目先の予定。   以上                                                          

August 16, 2006

Arlington and Fort Worth TX, Jul 30 til Aug 10

As is apparently seen on a map, Texas is one of the largest states in US. I have no idea how big it is, even comparison to Japan, I don't know which is bigger. So anyway I was in Texas for 10 days on business that was quite tough but fun days that I could have spent. It should have been more than 40℃ in the plant where I visited, but workers there were really industrious and working really hard. I was impressed to see them working enthusiastically. People in the factory were approximately 50% from Middle and South America. They got a work-visa and were able to legally work in the States. They're really friendly and open minded ANd speaking Spanish. No English at all. Really wished I could have spoken any basics.

Having been able to get the weekend offs, me and a engineer guy whom I came to US with hung around the town with a rented car, did some shoppings at a mega mall and thirift shops, eat meals at hooters, confused with right-lane-driving and hard-to-tell traffic rules, but it was worthy for hanging out. We were surrounded with heat all the time though, one day we've got 110F which I figured it out afterward 43C. That temperature has never been experienced by me. It was just heat and scorching sun beam, which didn't make my skin leak but burn off and left just pain instead.

I found it bit hard to get used to Texas accents. Not as hard as the one by Indian. I was there as an interpreter and really knew I should have been a functional speaker and listener, quick understanding and response, but I couldn't do so well. Especially in those specific category like a molding machine, I am just a layman. Will try to study bit more in order to make the conversation go smoothly next time. Seems so hard...

It was only short 10 days trip and needed more time to know the things there, but enough for the heat.

August 06, 2006

What the hell is this temperature here in Texas, Arlington! 42.7C as if I was in Mid East.

Now that I ve got -40C in Canada,Lake Louise and +40 in the US, Arlington. But I hate heat, much preferable to get the ice anyway...

3 days left until I get out of this heat. Will try to update some photos of Texas scene when I get back home.